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1L's Amazing Work!

Hi 1L,

This is a place to share some of the amazing work you have been doing at home. If you want to show your work on here, get an adult in your family to take a photo of it and send it to our class email address below!






Hello Marta! It's lovely to hear from you! Marta has been working hard in her new work book. Great grammar work - well done!

Has everyone been to collect their Year 1 workbooks from school too?

Sophie has been working super hard on her phonics once again! She coloured all the pictures in correctly based on their sounds - well done Sophie! Sophie has also been doing some amazing Topic work - take a look below!

Robyn has made a great start to her Topic work this week by writing an amazing fact file about Amelia Earhart and about the places she would like to fly to. Disneyland is in Mrs Larkins list of top places to visit too Robyn! Robyn also made some delicious looking Banana, Blueberry, and Cinnamon muffins - yummy! You can also see some lovely Maths work, RWI work and colouring in the gallery below...

Erin has been working super hard this week too! She has been looking at a globe and thinking about where she would like to fly to. She made some paper aeroplanes and tested them - even her little brother Mason had a go! The plane circled in the middle went the furthest. Erin also found time to play the 'days of the week' maths game too - very productive!