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4M Spring term 2020

Welcome to 4M's Spring term page!


We have started this Spring term really well and have done some fantastic learning. Please look below at some of for a snippet of what we have been up to.

Topic-Restless planet

In our afternoon topic lessons we have been researching and exploring our 'Restless Planet'. 

We rehearsed what it might be like to be in an actual earthquake situation at school and discussed our feelings and emotions during the session. We have also been looking into the different types of Volcano that exist and even got to make our own (DT day).


Here are some of our pupils opinions!


"I enjoyed making the volcano's on DT day and I can't wait to paint mine and make it look really realistic"

-Aicha, 4M


"My favourite lesson so far has been the 'earthquake drill' because it was so different and made me think of how scary it would be to really be living through an earthquake."- Ellie, 4M


"I have always wanted to learn about how volcano's erupt and so that's been my favourite lesson so far!"

Our volcano's being built


In English we have been exploring and creating our own 'fairy tales'.


We have been reading different versions of 'The Princess and the Pea' and discussing how writing from different perspectives can affect the story line. We have read versions from the perspective of the Prince, Princess, the King and the Pea (The Pea is 4M's favourite). 


We have also looked at direct speech within 'Fairy Tales' as well as a constant grammar focus.



This term we have focused on 4 main aspects of Mathematics:

  • Decimals and Fractions
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Addition and Subtraction
  • Shape


As always, we practice our times tables in a variety of ways in school. At the end of year we have our year 4 times tables test and I encourage all children to be practicing their tables at home. See below for some websites that can help:






Here are some of theother amazing activities we have been taking part in!
