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6H Spring term 2020

The Spring term is here and it's time to really polish up our skills!


Dear Pupils,


Here are some wonderful websites for you to visit to help get you ready for your up and coming SATs tests in May. Go on and use them to practice your skills as much as you can- have fun!


Dear Parents, 

Homework in Year 6 is different from other year groups. In order for pupils to be prepared for high school, I set English, Maths and sometimes topic homework on a weekly basis with a hand-in deadline. This gives your children the opportunity to become organised with this system while still at primary school and enables you to see the kind of work we are regularly doing in class. 

Don't forget to check your child's book bag for their amazing Accelerated Reader books. Our expectation is all children read at home every day. 


Revision websites


English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling:







The SATs dates are as follows:


  • Monday May 13th 2019: SPaG Test- Grammar/Punctuation- 45 minutes
  • Monday May 13th 2019: SPaG Test- Spelling- 20 minutes
  • Tuesday May 14th 2019: Reading Test- 60 minutes
  • Wednesday May 15th 2019: Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)- 30 minutes
  • Wednesday May 15th 2019: Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)- 40 minutes
  • Thursday May 16th 2019: Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning)- 40 minutes




In our Big Write sessions we are exploring variety of genres and different points of view. 


Our ART 

One of the aspect of our art was lined to our topic 'Migration'.

People have always moved around the world. Early humans were nomadic, traveling in search of food, shelter, and safety. Today, people move for many different reasons, including economic, political, cultural, religious, and environmental. Sometimes, events beyond people’s control, like war or natural disaster, leave them displaced and forced to migrate. Other times, people migrate voluntarily, perhaps in search of better work opportunities or a different lifestyle. For many artists, their own migrations and those of their ancestors shape their identities and the art they produce. As people move, they bring their traditions, knowledge, and beliefs with them. Often, as much as they absorb the culture of their new home, they influence it with their own traditions.

Art can be a language shared between individuals, nations, and cultures. It can redeclare identities that have been lost or abandoned when people find new homes.

We have been studying Jacob Lawrence (Migration Series), Patricia Pinto Canvas and other modern artists.


The other topic aspect of our art was linked to our science - Animals and their adaptations. 


Have a look at our wonderful art so far:

