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Class Letter

Handford Hall Primary School

Reception Newsletter


Happy New Year! We hope 2019 is a truly happy and healthy year for you all.


Read Write Inc

Our topic for this half term is “Transport.”

The children will be making models, paintings and collages of cars, trains, boats and buses. We will be investigating wheels and ramps. We will explore unusual modes of transport like hot air balloons, and use our imaginations to invent new modes of transport!

The children will be revisiting all sounds and learning to “blend”. This means putting the sounds together to read simple words such as red, vet, bus, pink. You can help at home by reading with your child every day. As you come across simple words like “cat” or “hand”, sound them out together, to read the word. Books will be changed every Friday. Encourage your child to write their name and to make lists of words as they read with you. Here are some examples below….


Active Story telling

We will be focusing on estimating, recognising and writing numbers and finding 1 more and 1 less. We will also be looking at number problems using addition and subtraction. You can help at home by helping your child recognise the numbers 0-20 then 20- 100. We will be looking at numbers on vehicle registration plates. We will be counting to big numbers as we carry out our transport survey from the school field. Also we will look at the names of 3D shapes as we make cars and buses using junk boxes that are cubes, cuboids, spheres and cylinders.


This half term the children will be learning to retell the stories….

Rosie’s Walk

Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car



It promises to be another exciting half term. Thank you for your continued support- It’s great working alngside you to get the best possible outcomes for every child.
