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Below is the week three English work that has been set. There are also some PowerPoint slides that will help you work through this.




Yesterday you filled out a story planning sheet based on 'The little shoemaker'. Today I want you to attempt to write an opening paragraph to your own version of the story. Use you plan to help you write your opening. Your paragraph should creatively describe any characters that are introduced as well as the setting that the story happens in. Make sure you watch the video again to help you.


It should include:

  • Nouns- a place, name, object or thing (Paris/ shoe etc)
  • Adjectives - words that describe a noun ( Red shoe/ old man)
  • Verbs- action words ( jumping for joy)
  • Adverbs - words that gibe you more information about a verb (lazily walking / angrily ranting)
  • Pronouns- not just saying 'the shoemaker' again and again (he/ she/they/him/ her)
  • Expanded noun phrases -made up of a noun and at least one adjective. If one or more adjectives are listed to describe the noun (He held in his hand an old, decaying shoe).


By the end of your opening paragraph you should have described who is in the story, what type of person they are and where the story takes place- there can be some dialogue but it is not essential.


Video link -



(It is possible you may need to copy and paste some of the links directly into your browser)


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See below for the weeks spellings. The lovely Mrs Coster has also included some games that you could play using this weeks words. Let's get going!!
See below the work for Monday-Friday (Week beginning 23/03/20)