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Handford Hall Primary School

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Frequently Asked Questions


Here are just a few answers to questions that you may have in regards to the way we are learning from home. Should you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email them in, and I can update this whenever needed!


  • How often is new work added? As always there will be work added to TTR and Education City daily for your children to be accessing. I will be adding daily work in our weekly work folders as well there being a rough timetable you can follow.
  • I'm concerned we won't get though all the work! Now this is an important one. There is no expectation that all work is completed - Working from home provides many different challenges and sometimes it isn't possible. My job at the moment is to provide age appropriate work that 4M can access daily and keep their learning journeys ticking along.
  • Are there other things we can do?  Of course! Life is a LOT wider than any curriculum. Creating sports games, gardening, reenacting scenes from books and films, arts and crafts. These are just a few examples off the top of my head that you could be doing at home. Why not email in some pictures of your activities at home - I can always put them in our gallery.
  • I've lost some login details, can you help?  Get in touch via email, and I can ask the school office to contact your parents with the relevant information, if possible.