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Handford Hall Primary School

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Frequently Asked Questions:


Although this really is an unprecedented situation, I'll try to anticipate any questions you may have about learning at home. Should you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email them in, and I can update this whenever needed!


  • How often is new work added? New work is provided weekly across all subjects. For as much as is possible, I'll be providing more frequent updates and some daily challenges. Work is also always available through Mathletics and TTRockstars online.
  • I'm concerned we won't get though all the work!  There is no expectation that all work is completed - home is a very different environment. I am simply ensuring there will be a range of quality and appropriately levelled work for the members of my class to access.
  • Are there other things we can do?  Of course! Life is a LOT wider than any curriculum. Germinating seeds, creating art, cooking, making music, scultpures, inventing games - there is SO much you can do. I'm always keen on seeing what you get up to! Why not email in some pictures of your activities at home - I can always put them in our gallery
  • I've lost some login details, can you help?  Get in touch via email, and I can ask the school office to contact your parents with the relevant information, if possible.