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Friday 26th June


Maths Training

Mathematical Reasoning


Choose either A or B below.


Can you put these 12 mixed up times in order?  You could put them into a  circle.  Explain how you tackled the task - the answer is not important, but your thinking is.


Challenge:  Can you put the 24 mixed up times in order?


Writing Task

Today you are going to use your plan from yesterday to write your story. 

Try to use: 

• words carefully to build up the picture you want to create of how the characters feel, what they do and what happens; 

• the outside/inside opening to create an atmosphere or mood and have the weather hint at the terrible events that are coming; 

• speech to show how the characters are opposite through what they say and what they do and feel as they speak. 


Edit your draft as you go along. Once you’ve completed your draft, read it through and give it a final edit.  

I would love to see your stories when you are done


Continuing with our Street Art theme, we are going to look at a few techniques around designing and drawing letters. Have a look at the examples below, try them out and don't be afraid to adapt them and create your own style. Try putting them together to create your own name 'tag'. Think about using a small range of bold colours or simply shade it in black and white. 
