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Monday Phonic Activities

Read, Write Inc:


Click on the link below to find your daily speed sound and spelling lessons.








L.O: To recognise and use language relating to the days of the week.


This week we are going to be revising our knowledge of the days of the week and the months of the year!


Let’s start by reviewing the days of the week with one of our Maths songs!

Days of the Week Sing-along Song

A sing-along to teach the days of the week (lyrics below). purchase this song on iTunes: Watch another days of the week song! https://yo...

I have set you some activities to do on Education City. The first activity is a learn screen that will revise the days of the week with you. When you have watched the learn screen, you can access the main activity.

Good luck!

I shall be checking to see who has done it!








Choose one activity a day.
