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Monday 15th June


Multiplication Challenge!

Every day this week, draw the grid in your book.  Time how long it takes you to complete it and record your time.  By the end of the week, how quickly can you complete the grid?  If there are any multiplication facts you struggled with, focus on them to ensure you have instant recall of all multiplication facts.  Good luck - let me know your best time!

Odd-One-Out - Can you find at least 11 reasons why?

Number Investigation - Don't forget BIDMAS!

Who will be the first to complete all the numbers? Is there only one way to complete all the numbers?       Send in your workings so that we can share thinking.


1, 2, 3, 4


Using the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 and +, - , x and ÷ symbols make the numbers from 1 to 30.

Each of the numbers has to be used every time, for example 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.


Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it. – anonymous 


Have you ever thought about what this means? The underlying moral of the wishing tale is often played out in real life. Every week many people dream of winning the lottery – they make a wish. Someone then wins a huge sum of money. While this might seem like great news, the story often leads to misery and unhappiness. The sudden win changes lives. Friends and family may be lost. The ‘winner ’may lose a sense of purpose as they no longer have to go to work.



Just one wish. If you had just one chance to make a wish, what would you wish for? Brainstorm some ideas. For example, I might wish for a new car, a dog or a yacht. Or to be a world-famous footballer or not to have to go to school! 


Now try and think about the positives and negatives of having that wish granted.

For example, I wish I had a bright red Ferrari. I could drive at immense speed and win many great races. However, I would be adding to the destruction of the planet, be breaking the speed limit and endangering my life and the lives of others. …………….


I wish I had a small, brown Dachshund. I could take it for long, leisurely walks in the countryside. However, I would have to leave it alone for hours on end while I was at school. …………… Now have a go yourself: 


Can you write two wishes? 


I wish I.... 

I could.... 



Humans can live all over the world.  This is because we are able to wear clothes and build houses suited to different conditions - hot or cold climates.  Most plants and animals can only live in certain environments - they can't change their clothes!

To help them survive in their habitat, living things have developed special features to suit the place they live;  these help them survive.

For example:

Squirrels have long claws for gripping as they climb.

Birds have hollow bones to make them lighter.

Otters have webbed feet to help them move easily in water.

How do animals adapt to their environment?


Choose 2 different animals and explain how they have adapted to their environment.  You can present your learning however you want - a poster, a report, a video ...  These will look great on our class page and will help others in their understanding.


Challenge:  What is the impact humans have on animals living in different environments? Think about Global Warming.
