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Monday 6th July


Multiplication Challenge


Every day this week, draw the grid in your book.  Time how long it takes you to complete it and record your time.  By the end of the week, how quickly can you complete the grid?  If there are any multiplication facts you struggled with, focus on them to ensure you build up instant recall. 


Good luck - let me know your best time!

Which is the odd-one-out?


There is no one right answer - any of the numbers could be the odd-one out.  Find at least 7 reasons why the number your choose is the odd-one out.  Justify your reasoning using mathematical language.

Factor Reasoning


factor is a number that divides into another number exactly and without leaving a remainder. 


E.g.  Factors of 12:  1,12,2,6,3,4 


Choose one of the reasoning questions below.  Remember with explanations, be clear and concise (trial your thinking on someone in your family - do they understand?)   Challenge yourself by doing all three questions!


This week in English you are going to be designing your own wizard school and persuade people to come to your school. Think of it as designing your own Hogwarts.  


Today's Task: Design your school 

What school would you like to advertise? Maybe a school of skateboarding or cycling or cookery or computer games or … ? Your school could be for something imaginary like a Unicorn school, a Troll school, a Dragon school... 


School Floor Plan

Use the squares in your maths book to draw your wizard school  bird's eye view. Think about what rooms will be in your school. Label them with their uses. 

Try and have a go at some of the experiments below and explain your findings:


`1. Bouncing spotlight

 2. Kaleidoscope

 3. Splitting Light

 4. Bouncing Beam

 5. Magic Coin 



Light travels in straight lines.

Reflection: Light bounces off objects, changing its direction and reflecting back.  Smooth, shiny surfaces (such as a mirrors) reflect light well.

Refraction:  When light moves between different mediums (water, glass ...) it slows down; it gets bent.

Light is made up of 7 colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Shadows are created when light travelling is blocked by an object.
