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Handford Hall Primary School

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Read, Write Inc:


Click on the link below to find your daily speed sound and spelling lessons. From 1st June, all lessons will be available from 9.30am.

Phonic Activities.









L.O: To know how to measure the weight of objects.


This week we are learning about measurement! Today we are going to be continuing our learning all about Weight! Remember, this is how light or heavy an object is.


I have set you some tasks to do on Education City. The first one is a learn screen that reviews how to read scales and understand how to compare weights. The next activity will test your knowledge of using the words heavier and lighter to compare weights.


I shall be checking to see who has done it! Good luck!


If you would like a challenge, turn to page 3 of your measurement home work booklet. With your helper, find a recipe to make a cake and use your knowledge of measurement to help you measure the ingredients and cook it!  How will you measure the wet ingredients? How will you measure the dry ingredients? Good luck!

Link to Measurement Homework Booklet









Choose one activity a day.

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch - Give Us A Story!

Mr. Grinling, the lighthouse keeper, finds himself in a titanic battle between good and evil with some ravenous seagulls. See how he comes out on top with a ...
