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Thursday 4th June


Maths Training

Choose your Chilli Challenge - 1,2,3 (or a combination!)

When tackling worded problems, don't forget to visualise.  Remember a diagram will always help.

How did you get on?


Grammar Training

                                            English Task

Your first English Task today is to watch another ‘Message to myself in six months’ time’
• Deanna remembers seven things. Make Jottings of as many as you can remember, then watch the video again and jot down what you missed.
• Which of these things is most like something that you will remember?

Voices: Deanna Rodger on things to remember when all this is over

We asked Deanna to record a message for her future self when hopefully everything will be a bit more normal. To find out the ways we're helping our members t...

Your second task is to write five things that you have most enjoyed and will most remember during lockdown.

Over the past couple of weeks I have really enjoyed listening to different music. I often like to use music as inspiration for drawing and painting. Your task is to listen to the piece of music below or you could listen to your own favourite music. How does it make you feel? What does it make you think of? Can you draw it?  

I have included some ideas below 

Putumayo Presents - Congo To Cuba

Art ideas
