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Thursday 4th June

Happy Thursday 3/4K. Today you have lots of fun, creative tasks for your home learning. I'm looking forward to seeing your amazing work.

Suggested timetable for learning at home


Maths: 30 minutes

English: 30 minutes



Reading: 20 minutes

Topic: design project (you can finish this tomorrow or at the weekend)

Spelling: 15 minutes (word search)


Mental warm-up: solve these as quickly as you can.

34 + ? = 64                  68 - ? = 38                 72 + ? = 91

 56 + ? = 85              125 + ? = 186             376 - ? = 297





2 D shape reminders. Can you say what a regular and irregular shape is?

Can you use your mathematical language to describe these shapes?

Mild or Hot challenge?

Geoboard for making 2-d shapes instructions. Follow the link below to the website

English: How would you explain what is happening in these animations? Which is your favourite? Which do you think looks most like the animal itself?

ABC. Alphabet. English Alphabet fun game for kids. Bembo's Zoo: An Animal ABC Book. ABCs game where the letters of an animal's name transform into the animal.


Today we are going to investigate some different calligram designs

These are called calligrams and are a type of poem.

  • Watch Bembo's Zoo's annimation.
  • Look at the design for ‘Octopus’ on Bembo’s Zoo Examples. Can you find every letter of the word?
  • Describe the part of the octopus that each letter is representing eg: O is the round body 
  • Challenge yourself to investigate the designs for Hippopotamus and Antelope as well.
  • Try making your own calligram. What animal will you choose? Pick an animal from Bembo's Zoo or a dinosaur
  • Write out the letters in the name of the animal and then try arranging them into the shape of the animal. Work in pencil first and then draw your final design in pen. Have fun smiley

Show your design to a grown-up. Ask them to watch Bembo’s Zoo with you so that they understand the idea of a calligram. 

Can you find all the letters in these calligram examples?

Topic: Making a model of an Anglo-Saxon House


Today you have a fun challenge to make a model of an Anglo-Saxon House. Look at the fantastic examples made by your friends in 3S and 4M. Here are some pictures to help you. Remember to email a picture of your model  and we can have virtual display on our web page.

Here are some ideas for you. What materials will you use? What shape were their houses? What was inside an Anglo-Saxon house?

Here is one idea, but be creative and design your own.

Hugo demonstrates how to make an Anglo-Saxon House model for his school project, from cardboard and lolly sticks. See our blog for extra information. We thou...
