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Thursday 4th March


Christianity Lesson 2


L.O. To understand the concept of ‘sacrifice’



Is it really a sacrifice?

Sam is upset. Auntie Sue is coming to stay. Sam likes Auntie Sue BUT she is having his room and his bed for the whole weekend. He doesn’t like giving up his bed, but, worse, mum says he can’t go swimming because they will all be going out together. It’s bad enough sacrificing his room and bed but giving up swimming too, seems really unfair.

Sam says it’s too big a sacrifice.


Choose a sentence stem, say what you think and give a reason.

Is it really a ‘sacrifice?’

I think that giving up his bed and swimming for the weekend is really a sacrifice for Sam because….

I do not think that giving up his bed and swimming for the weekend is really a sacrifice for Sam because….


What is the most precious thing you have? Would you sacrifice it?


Think about these questions and complete the task:

  • What does it look like? (Draw a picture)
  • Who gave it to you?
  • How long have you had it?
  • Why is it precious?
  • Is there anything you would swap it for?  Why / why not?
  • Would you ‘sacrifice’ it for anything? Why / why not?