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Thursday 9th July


Maths Training


Magic Square Investigation


Complete the magic multiplication  square, then explore factors and  multiples to create a new multiplication  magic square.


Use your knowledge of factors and multiples.


What do you notice?  Can you explain?


Grammar Training

How are you getting on with your persuasive advert for your wizard school? 

Use today to finish off your advert - Remember you have designed your own wizard school and are advertising it as the best school. 

When you think you have finished your advert, go back through it and edit it - remember to read it out loud to yourself or someone at home. Would you want to go to your school?  

I would love to see your persuasive adverts when you have finished - remember you can email them to, 


This is the last week of English online learning before our sports themed week for the final week - lets make this piece of writing your best!) 

IPC Topic

Asia WebQuest


This term you have undertaken WebQuests into Italy (Europe) and Brazil (South America).  For the final WebQuest this term, our focus continent is Asia.

  • Choose a country in Asia that you are going to find out more about.
  • Research and produce a detailed mind map / fact file / leaflet about your chosen country.

Include details about:

  • Physical Geography (map, capital city, rivers, mountains, climate)
  • Human Geography (industries)
  • Food and Culture (traditional food, festivals, famous people)
  • Customs in that country (everyday life)



This is the last week for our topic work so use today's IPC session to complete this task that you began on Tuesday.
