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Tuesday 23rd June


Maths Training

Converting between 12 hour and 24 hour clock


The clock below will help you to convert between the two. The tricky ones to remember are:


12 midnight = 12 am = 00:00

12 midday = 12 pm = 12:00


All pm are 12 and above, so 

1.00 pm = 13:00

2.00 pm = 14:00 and so on.


The more you practise, the more confident you will feel. 

24 hour - 12 hour

Start with Chilli Challenge 1 and then go on to Chilli Challenge 2. If you want a further challenge, have a go at Part C.

How did you get on?


Grammar Training

Today we are going to be thinking about building mood and atmosphere in sentences 

Have a go at writing your versions of this sentence to create an atmosphere by telling your reader 3 things in each sentence to describe what the weather is doing. And remember the commas!







Inside, the TV was muted, a chipped mug of coffee steamed on a small pine table and a white dog slept, whimpering.  

Can you write three of your own sentences to describe inside? 







IPC Topic - Geography


Task 5 – Food and Culture of Brazil



Find out:

  • Popular food and dishes in Brazil
  • Influences on Brazilian dishes from its diverse population (where do these influences come from in the world?)
  • Which food is grown in Brazil and which is imported from other countries.


Using what you have found out, design a menu that would be popular in Brazil.


  • Starters
  • Main Courses
  • Desserts
  • Drinks

Make your menu attractive and informative (include where the food comes from)


Suggested websites:
