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Tuesday 7th July


Maths Training

Multiples Reasoning 


multiple is a number that can be divided by another number a certain number of times without a remainder. 

For example:  Multiples of 2:  2,4,6,8,10 ....


Take on Chilli Challenge 1.  Then, stretch you thinking even further on Chilli Challenge 2 or 3.  Good luck!

How did you get on?


Now you are going to begin to plan your advert for your wizard school.  


Remember to include the following persuasive phrases: 

 - Places are highly sought after.

- We can guarantee... 

- You won't find... like this anywhere else! 

- You'll be the envy of... 

- study with the best! 

-Don't miss out on... 

- Come along to... 

- Learn new skills... 

 - Study here... 

- Apply now...

- Why go anywhere else? 

- Do you want to be the best writer in primary school? 


Plan: Copy the table below and use this to help plan your persuasive advert  


Structure Notes

Ask questions to the reader to

draw them in and

then invite them to the

school e.g. Do you …? Are you …? If so, …



Tell the reader what the school

has to offer. List 4 or more

activities on offer. Don’t

forget to boast e.g. We

have exceptional …


Tell the reader what will happen if

they go to your school e.g.

Study here and …




Boast about what other

wonderful things your

school has and include a

sentence of 3. See slippery seals sleeping 



End with a catchy slogan e.g.

Win in the world of wizards! 






Grammar Training

IPC Topic

Asia WebQuest


 This term you have undertaken WebQuests into Italy (Europe) and Brazil (South America).  For the final WebQuest this term, our focus continent is Asia.

  • Choose a country in Asia that you are going to find out more about.
  • Research and produce a detailed mind map / fact file / leaflet about your chosen country.

Include details about:

  • Physical Geography (map, capital city, rivers, mountains, climate)
  • Human Geography (industries)
  • Food and Culture (traditional food, festivals, famous people)
  • Customs in that country (everyday life)


This is the last week for our topic work so use your Tuesday and Thursday IPC sessions to complete this task.
