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Wednesday 20th




Typewriter music 

When do the sounds made by everyday objects become music? Let’s face it, we’re surrounded by sound and some sounds are definitely more appealing than others! If there’s a musical intention, any sound maker can be used to make music.  



Leroy Anderson wrote a fantastic piece of music in 1950 for an orchestra and a...typewriter! It’s very fast and the person who plays the typewriter part has to be very skilled. 


The Typewriter Leroy Anderson Martin Breinschmid with Strauß Festival Orchestra Vienna

Viennese Percussionist Martin Breinschmid with his version of the "Typewriter" Live at the BASF concert hall Ludwigshafen,Germany 2008,Strauß Festival Orches...

Play along 

Here’s a great graphic score of Leroy Anderson’s piece which you can follow and play along with.  You don't need to have any instruments in your house.  Start by tapping a steady beat and you’ll soon see how the symbols used fit with the music.


You can tap on on the table can create your own sounds. Is there something in the kitchen such as saucepan or pot you can use? 


When you’re more confident, try using different sound makers for the different symbols –
– Something that makes a short strong tapping sound for the typewriter
– Something that sounds like a bell
– Something that makes a whoosh sound for the arrow
– Use your voice to make a falling rollercoaster sound

The Typewriter - Leroy Anderson (Music Graph)

As a music teacher in training, I decided that for my lesson on "The Typewriter" by Leroy Anderson, I would create a music graph to show my kids. You're welc...
