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Read, Write Inc:


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Wednesday:Phonic Activities








L.O: To solve addition and subtraction word problems.


Let’s see how much we can remember about adding and subtracting. Turn to page 7 in your Maths Addition and Subtraction Activity book and complete the number sentences as fast as you can. Remember to check the symbol in the middle to see if you need to add the numbers together or subtract them!

After that, turn to page 8 and read the word problems with your adult. Draw pictures or use objects to help you solve them if you need to.

Finally, if you’re ready for a super challenge, turn to page 9 in your Addition and Subtraction activity book and make up some word problems for your helper to solve using the number sentences written down!

*Sorry!* Some parents have emailed to let me know that the last few pages of their home workbooks are missing, please click on the pdf below to access the full booklet.








Choose one activity a day.
