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Read, Write Inc:


Click on the link below to find your daily speed sound and spelling lessons. From 1st June, all lessons will be available from 9.30am.

Phonic Activities









L.O: To identify ¼ (a quarter) of shapes and objects.


For the rest of this week, we are going to refresh our knowledge of fractions. Today we are going to start with looking at ¼. Can you remember what a quarter of a shape looks like? Have a go at showing your adult by drawing a picture.

Remember that the numbers in the fraction ‘ ¼ ‘ are there to help us. The bottom number (the denominator) tells us the number of parts there are, and the top number (the numerator) tells us the how many of them we are focusing on. Remember that when working with fractions all the pieces need to be equal!


I have set you some tasks to do on Education City. The first one is a learn screen that reviews what a quarter is and how to find a quarter of shapes and objects. Then there are two activities that will be testing your knowledge of this.


I shall be checking to see who has done it! Good luck!









Choose one activity a day.
