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Handford Hall Primary School

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Here you will find our new PHSE work. PHSE is a great time to share our feelings. Every week we will share two different activities with you. You can do these at anytime. These are great activities for you to do with someone who you live with. 

PHSE Activity 1

Calm Me Time: Meditation

Here is the meditation track in case you missed it in the video

Have a look below at the book "Coronavirus - A Book for Children" 

This book will help you understand more about the coronavirus and might answer any questions you have. Remember to talk to an adult if you are worried about anything 

Coronavirus A Book for Children

Your first task is to create an information poster or leaflet about the coronavirus

              PHSE Session 2 - Here is your next PHSE session 

PHSE Session 2

Your task today is to create an information poster on how to keep yourself calm and relax. Thinking about different strategies you can use when you might be feeling worried or anxious. 