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Thursday 9th July

Good morning 3/4K and welcome to Thrilling Thursday!

Remember to put 11am on Monday in your diary for our class farewell.

It will be a lovely chance for you to see your friends and teacher. laugh

Have you seen the exciting news about our virtual sports week?

 How will you be getting ready? 



Suggested timetable for today: 

Maths: 30 minutes

English: 30 minutes


Reading: 20 minutes

PSHE : 20 minutes (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education)

Spelling: 15 minutes

Maths: mental warm-up

Now check your answers

Today's pentomino puzzle

You can print of the shapes from this pdf

English: Crosspoints and crosswords 


1. Complete a Crosspoints puzzle
• Read Crosspoints. Fill in the grid with words and then check your score.
• Use the other Crosspoint Grids yourself to try to beat your score OR challenge someone else to play the game and see how they do.

2. Complete a Crossword
Complete the Minibeast Crossword. Read the clues and write your answers in the crossword grid.
• Choose either the Pet Crossword or the Transport Crossword and complete it.
You could challenge yourself to complete both!

Crosspoints for you to try

Now try a crossword or 2...or 3!

Stuck? Check your answers

PSHE: Challenges and changes

Calm ME Time

We will start our lesson with a calm me time. Sit on a chair and place your feet on the floor.
Does your mind feel calm and ready to learn?

Today we will explore how to deal with challenges and changes.

How do you feel about the changes in that have been happening  in your life?

What are the unknowns?

What can the we do about the unknowns?



Think about what has changed in the last couple of years. It could be a like/dislike, something new they’ve learnt, moving house or making a new friend.


Now think about how school has changed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is very important to remember however we feel about this, it’s OK to have those feelings. How we react to these changes and what they make us want to do are more important than the feelings themselves.


Write down and share changes which might happen in the following year, thinking carefully about what they expect and what might still be unknown.

Remember sometimes not even adults have all of the answers at the moment! 


Talk with a grown up and think about some practical advice about how to manage your feelings about the changes.

Here are some words to help you share your feelings










Looking forward





