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Handford Hall Primary School

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Term Dates

2024/25 Term dates

Autumn Term 2024

Monday 2nd September—PD day (no school for children)

Tuesday 3rd September—PD day (no school for children

Wednesday 4th September - school starts

Wednesday 9th October - PD Day (Parent Consultations)

Half term - 28.10-1.11.2024

Monday 4th November—PD day (Trust Conference)

Friday 20th December 2024—Last day of autumn term

Christmas break - 23.12-3.01.2025


Spring Term 2025

Monday 6th January - school starts

Half term - 17.02-21.02. 2025

Monday 17th March - PD day 

Friday 4th April—Last day of term

Easter break - 7.04-18.04.2025


Summer term 2025

Tuesday 22nd April - school starts

Half term - 26.05-30.05.2025

Friday 18th July - last day of school  (end of term)




