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Handford Hall Primary School

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Meet the Governors

School Governors

Handford Hall  Local Governing Body is a committee of the main board of the OMAT Trust.  The OMAT Terms of Reference for Governors sets out the roles and responsibilities of the local governing committee and how it fits with the overall governance of the Trust. 


Membership of the Local Governing Committee shall comprise not less than 8 and not more than 12 Local Governors as follows:

  • At least 4 Local Governors appointed by the Trustees
  • The Headteacher
  • 2 Parent Local Governors
  • Up to one other Staff Local Governor, employed at the school


Following OMAT Governance review (conducted in June 2020) the new governance structure, roles  and responsibilities are currently being reviewed across the whole Trust. 


HH Chair of Governors: Mr C Kreidewolf

Tel: 01473 251 603
