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1L Spring term 2020


Wow! It’s  been another busy term in Year 1. Take a look at some the amazing learning we have been doing over the past few weeks...

Colchester Zoo Trip!


We went on an amazing trip to Colchester Zoo as part of our ‘Amazing Animals’ topic. We were lucky enough to see some incredible animals and talked about what type of habitat they would need to survive. There was a lot of walking but we loved every minute!

Art Day


For our Art Day at the end of last half term, we built on the knowledge we had learnt for our 'Amazing Animals' topic and made Sea Turtles out of clay! We looked carefully at the positioning of their flippers and the detail in the pattern of the shell. Take a look at our amazing sculptures...

Say Cheese Topic!


Our Topic for this half term is 'Say Cheese!' This is a computing topic and we began by looking at how to use computers to take photos and then edit them in a variety of different ways. We held a fashion show for our entry point where we practiced taking lots of pictures of the models. Take a look at some of them here...

Help your child with their Mathematics at home.


Great fluency, or a fast recall of number facts, is very important in great mathematicians. 'Hit the Button' is one of our favourite websites to go on to practice our fluency. On this website, we can practice our number bonds, doubles, halves, and times tables. If you would like to help your child develop their fluency and practice these skills at home, here is the link to the website...
