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4C Summer Term 2019

We have had a busy start to the summer term. Our IPC topic for this half term is 'Temples, Tombs and Treasures' looking at the Ancient Egyptians. We have been learning who the famous Pharaohs were and why they built the pyramids. We will learning about the gods and the afterlife, including preparing for the afterlife! 

We enjoyed a wonderful trip to the Ipswich Museum for our 'Entry Point' for the topic and created questions we wanted to find out. 


In English we are learning about adventure stories based on 'Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith and wrote our own stories; we have turned popular stories into playscripts and will be creating exciting adverts and poetry in the second term. 


In Maths we have been converting measures, including 12 and 24 hour time, length, mass and capacity and we will be learning how to interpret data in statistics. 

Ipswich Museum 


We visited the museum this term to kick start our Ancient Egyptian topic. We saw a real sarcophagus and a sand mummy!

There were lots of artefacts for us to explore and question!

Ipswich Museum - Ancient Egyptians

Trinity Park Farm Show


On a very wet day this April, we learnt about where our food came from  - farm to plate. 

We watched exciting dog shows, falconry displays and the dancing sheep display! We enjoyed a tractor ride and sampling local produce in the food hall. 

Pizza Express!


How do you make a pizza? Where do the ingredients come from? We put our cooking skills to the test for this visit!

Ready.....Steady..... Cook!

Still image for this video
We enjoyed making, baking and taste testing our pizzas on our trip to Pizza Express