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Handford Hall Primary School

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During the first half-term, we have been focusing on core calculation methods. Once we have perfected our fluency in these areas, we then progress to Mastery of the claculation disciplines and work through more open-ended challenges and reasoning tasks. We are also using reflective journaling to explain and expand upon a range of topics. So far we have:



  • Calculated using formal addition methods
  • formal subtraction methods - including numbers in the millions and numberts with decimal values
  • formal 'long' multiplication
  • using 'BIDMAS' and exploring the order of multi operations
  • short division, with fraction remainders
  • long division with decimal remainders
  • adding and subtracting fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers
  • multplying and dividing fractions, improper fractions and mixed number





Have a look at some examples of our work below.
