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L.O: To know the value of coins and notes.


This week we are going to be looking at… MONEY! We are going to start today by doing some revision of the value of different coins and notes.


I have set you two pieces of work to do on Education City. You will only be able to access the notes challenge if you get at least 80% on the first activity. Good luck! I shall be checking to see who has done it!


If you finish that early and still want a challenge, turn to page 5 in the Maths Measurement booklet you took home and use the shapes to draw different coins and notes. Use real money where possible, or use google to find images to help you! Have fun!









L.O: To add coins to make different amounts.

To begin to understand how to find change.


We will move our learning on today by looking at using the coins to make different amounts. Click on the link below to go to a special online activity where you can set your own challenges of adding coins.


If you want an extra challenge, click on the ‘giving change’ option and see if you can click on the coins to give change for those different amounts. Use real coins to help you if you can. This will help prepare you for tomorrows work.









L.O: To use money to find differences in amounts.


Today I would like you to get out the Maths Addition and Subtraction booklet you all took home. Turn to pages 5 and 6 and you will see an activity where you to add up the coins that Sam has and find out how much more money he needs to make 10p or 20p. You will be finding the difference. You can decide which activity you would like to try.

Use real coins to help you if you can!









L.O: To revise knowledge of money.


I hope you have had lots of time to practice adding and finding the difference with money this week. It can be a very tricky concept to get so well done for having a go!


I have set you some classwork on Education City. There are four activities; 2 for adding coins and 2 for finding the difference/giving change. You can decide what you would like to practice and show your learning of. Good luck! I shall be checking to see who has done it!







Friday (Fluency Practice)


L.O: To develop fluency of doubles.


Circles and Triangles Group: Practice your doubles to 10.

Squares and Pentagons: Practice your doubles to 10 and 20.


How many can you get right in 1 minute? Can you challenge yourself further? Good Luck!
