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Read, Write Inc:


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Monday Phonic Activities








L.O: To tell the time to the hour.


This week we are going to be revising our knowledge of telling the time!


First, let’s remind ourselves of how time helps us to structure our school day by watching one of our favourite maths songs…

What's the Time, Mr. Wolf? From the CD Little Big Songs by Jerry & Co, this song uses question-and-answer to illustrate the sequence of events, from getti...

Ahh that brings back memories – hopefully it won’t be too long before we are all back at school soon!


Now turn to page 10 in your Maths Measurement activity booklet and complete ‘Whats the Time Mr Wolf? (1)’ activity sheet. Mr Wolf has huffed and puffed so much that he’s blown all the numbers and hands off his clock. Can you write the numbers back on, and draw the hands to show 9 o’clock?

I have also set you an activity to do on Education City. This will be testing your knowledge of telling the time to the hour. We are all pretty good at this so it should just be a nice quick refresher for us! Good luck!

I shall be checking to see who has done it!








Choose one activity a day.

Five Oceans Song

A song to help kids learn the 5 oceans in order from largest to smallest. Subscribe! ➜ NEW REWARD...
