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RK Autumn Term 2020

Autumn Term 1 is now complete and the children have really impressed us all by how quickly they have settled into school life.  Check out Tapestry for all of our topic learning - 'All about me'.  Autumn Term 2 is set to be just as exciting as we learn all about bears!

Week commencing 21st September. In RWInc we are learning p, g, o, c. We are learning to name and describe 2D shapes in maths. We have made pictures from shapes and are beginning to describe them. We are learning about our bodies and have made paper straw skeletons.

We have all settled in at school and are enjoying the sunshine. As part of our ‘Magical Me’ topic we are learning all about our faces. Today, we went to the magic forest and collected objects to use as our facial features on our natural self portraits.

Week commencing 7th/14th September. In Read Write Inc we have learnt m, a, s. This week we are learning d, t, i, n. Take a look at what we have been learning in maths too...
