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W/C 31.01.2022

This week we are learning the story- The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Below are some activities for you to complete each day to learn the story better and practice our writing. 


The Three Billy Goats Gruff | Fairy Tales | Gigglebox

The Three Billy Goats Gruff can't wait to cross the bridge and eat the sweet green grass that's on the other side. But can they get past the Bad Old Toll wit...


Listen to the story and get to know the characters. Then discuss it with your family. 

What parts did you like? What parts didn't you like? How do you think the baby goat was feeling? What would you do if you saw a troll?


Draw a picture of the three goats from the story, one should be little, one should be medium sized and one should be big. 

Then try writing 'b' for billy and 'g' for  goats.


Listen to the story again and think of some actions to act out the story. Then practice retelling it to your family. 


Today I would like you to draw a picture of the troll from the story, how can you make him look scary? Then have a go at writing 't' for troll. 



Today we are drawing story maps! Look at the story map below for ideas then draw your own story map. Have a go at writing some initial sounds and words to label your picture. 
