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Monday 6th July


Good morning 3/4K and welcome to Marvelous Monday. We have a fun week of learning. In maths we will be doing all sorts of puzzles which I think you will enjoy. In English, we will have fun writing jokes, revolting recipes and write back to front questions! 


Suggested timetable for today: 

Maths: 30 minutes

English: 30 minutes


Reading: 20 minutes

PSHE : 20 minutes (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education)

Spelling: 15 minutes


Maths: mental maths

Now check your answers

Maths investigation: Polyominoes

Check you answers and print out the square paper sheets if you want to.

English: read these jokes. Put a star next to the jokes that you really like. Put a question-mark next to any that you can’t understand. Ask a grown-up if they can explain those ones to you. Are there any neither of you get?!

...and more jokes! Choose 3-5 of these jokes and try learning them by heart. Practise telling them out loud. Can you use actions, expression and pauses to make them sound really funny? Try them out on someone else.

Read I’ve got a new job. Choose the best punchlines for the jokes. Try to write your ‘I’ve got a new job’ jokes.

PSHE: Today we are going to think about some of the memories of 3/4K before lockdown and what we are looking forward to in our new classes. We will start with our Calm ME Time.

Remembering good times and looking forward to a new school year


Today I would like you to look at our class pages on the website and reflect on the learning that has taken place this year before we went into lock down.

Can you remember all the trips that we have been on?

Can you remember the great science potion workshop that we had?

Perhaps you remember reading a particular story or working really hard to understand something?

Maybe you want to remember going to Crown pools with your class?


 Look at our class pages on the website and think about the highlights of your learning this year in 3/4K. To remind you, I've added some photos here. 

Now design a t-shirt on paper and cut it out. On the BACK, write or draw things that reflect these moments. On the FRONT, design something that you are looking forward to in your new class in September.

'Looking To The Rainbow' (Lockdown Song) by Becky Drake and The Blue Coat School Chapel Choir

A song of hope for schools to perform during the Covid-19 pandemic. Backing track and instructions available for free download at #Lo...
